Friday, November 14, 2008

Poetry Video "A Valentine for Earnest Mann"

This exuberant video, "A Valentine for Earnest Mann," celebrates poetry as an act of love, and showcases the photographic talents of its gifted student creators. It is based on a poem by San Antonio writer Naomi Shihab Nye.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Poetry Video "Halley's Comet"

"Halley's Comet" is based on a poem by Stanley Kunitz. Sadly, it was finished shortly before Kunitz passed away at the age of 100. I particularly like the use of stop motion animation at the begininning of the piece, which sets a whimsical tone.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Poetry Video "The Dead"

"The Dead" is based on a surprisingly cheerful poem by Billy Collins. Several of the students who created this beautiful video have gone on to major in Film at the University of Texas at Austin. When they become famous some day, we can look back on this video and see why.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Poetry Video "i am the one"

"i am the one" is based on an original poem by CommArts student Anthony Michael Cooremans. Anthony is not only a gifted poet, but a brilliant poetry slammer, as you can tell by his relentless delivery of the poem on the video's soundtrack.

Monday, November 3, 2008

PSA "Drive Now, Text Later"

This is a public service announcement produced by CommArts students for the Teens in the Drivers Seat campaign in May 2008. We won Second Place with this entry, and used the prize money to help purchase a new video camera!